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Revealed: Chrome Effect Of Stunning Golden Adidas Space Craft Pack Boots Pulls Off

Update #2 It has been revealed that the stunning chrome effect of the golden and black Adidas Space Craft cleats pulls off during play. Adidas this time even added a sticker on the sole plate that explains the issue. It reads: "The chrome finish of this boot will wear off during play. It will not affect the performance of the product." See the original article about this well-known issue below.

Adidas Adds Sticker to Space Craft Pack Boots That Reveals That The Chrome Effect Will Pull Off

There is no picture with a pulled-off sole plate yet.

Update: The chrome effect of the black Adidas Ace PureControl Boots pulls off differently than the one from the green launch colorway.

This shouldn't happen with such an expensive product, at least not so fast. The stunning chrome effect of the revolutionary Adidas Ace PureControl Football Boots already starts to pull off after the first training session. Let's get straight into the details.

Adidas Ace PureControl Sole Plate Chrome Effect Pulls Off Extremely Fast

The chrome effect wears off with use.

Football boot collector @footybootaddict revealed just one week after the launch of the laceless boots that the chrome effect of the outsole of the cutting-edge Adidas Ace Pure Soccer Boots already pulled off after his first training session. And while he was surprised at first glance, he soon noticed that Adidas is 100% aware of the problem.

Similar to Puma, who put a sticker on the sole plate of their 10-games Puma evoSPEED Boots that states that the boots would only last up to 10 games, Adidas put a sticker on the bag of the product that states that the 'Chrome effect would wear off with use'. How important is that compared to Puma's problem?

While it's definitively not as important as Puma's infamous case of the boots that just last up to 10 games as it has no influence on the performance, it will be still extremely disappointing to see for players that their expensive boots start to look old as early as they start playing with them.

At least is has no influence on the performance of the boots. Did you expect that a boot that costs 300 USD would have such problems? Let us know in the comments below, and also check out the unreleased black Adidas Ace PureControl Boot that has an even more outstanding sole plate.