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Barcelona 16-17 Concept Away Kit by Corinth

How could the new FC Barcelona 2016-2017 look like? While it's already known that the new FC Barcelona 16-17 Away Kit will combine the bold colors purple and pink since last month, there is no detailed info about the design yet, expect that it will follow a modernistic and simplistic approach. However, based on these informations, US-based graphic designer Corinth has decided to create what he hopes / expect for Barça's upcoming kit.

Nike FC Barcelona 2016-2017 Concept Shirt by Corinth

This is the FC Barcelona Concept Jersey by Corinth.

Combining the official colors of the upcoming Nike FC Barcelona 2016-2017 Away Shirt (Purple Dynasty / Hyper Pink), Corinth's FC Barcelona Kit shows impressively how the new FC Barcelona Away Kit could look like. Corinth uses the color white for the sponsor logos, while the Catalan flag can be seen inside the collar of the kit. On the sleeves is a unique block color gradient design.

Corinth combines his purple FC Barcelona 2016-17 Away Concept Kit with purple shorts and mainly purple socks (Barcelona's actual 16-17 Away Kit is expected to feature pink socks).

Are you looking forward to finally see the first real leak of the new FC Barcelona 2016-17 Away Kit? Let us know in the comments below, and check out all you need to know about the new FC Barcelona 16-17 Home, Away and Third Kits in our renowned Kit Overview.