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2015-16 European Football Most Valuable Kits

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What are the most valuable kits in European Football this season? ESPN FC ranked the Top 10 European clubs based on the combined worth of the kit manufacturer and sponsorship deal.

While the big players Barcelona and Real Madrid dominate the ranking, it's quite interesting to see that teams such as Zenit and Wolfsburg made it in the Top 10.

2015-16 European Football - Most Valuable Kit

Total Revenues Generated by European clubs (excluding Premier League).

ClubKit SupplierSponsorTotal
Real MadridAdidas (€42.7m)Fly Emirates (€30m)€72.7m
BarcelonaNike (€33m)Qatar Airways (€30m)€63m
Bayern MunichAdidas (€25m)Deutsche Telekom (€30m)€55m
PSGNike (€25m)Fly Emirates (€25m)€50m
MilanAdidas (€24.9m)Fly Emirates (€17m)€41.9m
JuventusAdidas (€23.3m)Jeep (€17m)€40.3m
InterNike (€20m)Pirelli (€14m)€34m
WolfsburgKappa (?)Volkswagen (€20m)€20m
ZenitNike (?)Gazprom (€18m)€18m
DortmundPuma (€6-7m)Evonik (?)

Spanish giant Real Madrid leads the Top 10 of European Football's Most Valuable Kits as they managed to sign the most lucrative kit makers deal (Adidas - €42.7m), and the most lucrative shirt sponsor deal (Fly Emirates - €30m).

Champions League winners FC Barcelona scoop €30m / year from Qatar Airways and €33m / Nike, closely followed by Bayern Munich who earn at least €55m / year. However, it's expected that Bayern Munich will top the table soon after they signed a record-breaking kit deal with Adidas worth approximately €60m / season.

The Top 3 are followed by Paris Saint-Germain and the Italian clubs AC Milan, Juventus and Inter. Wolfsburg, Zenit and Dortmund also made it in the Top 10 of Europe's Most Valuable Kits. Please note that the data are not accurate, so there are likely missing some clubs.

2015-16 European Football - Most Valuable Kits Including EPL

Total Revenues generated by European clubs.

It's no surprise that the English Premier League dominates the Top 10 Most Valuable Kits. This is also great influenced by the weak Euro.

ESPN FC also ranked the 2015-16 Premier League Most Valuable Kits (MVK), and have created a classy special featuring kit illustrations by Mark Yesilevskiy.

The Premier League dominates. What do you think of the Top 10 of European Football's MVK - is there missing any club? Let us know in the comments below.