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Granada 15-16 Kits Released

La Liga's Granada CF and Joma have unveiled the new Granada 15-16 Home, Away and Third Kits. The new Granada 2015-2016 Shirts feature unique bespoke designs for the new season.

In a move against badly fitting football shirts, the "La Sastrería Del Granada CF" (Tailoring Granada CF) initiative has been opened by the Spanish brand, offering fans to have their new Granada 15-16 Jerseys adjusted at the official Granada store.

Granada 15-16 Home Kit

This is the new Joma Granada 2015-16 Home Jersey.

The new Granada Kit boasts the club's iconic red and white hoops in a traditional design. Slim blue hoops are placed between the larger stripes, while blue details are also used for insets on the side and the sleeve cuffs of the new Granada 2015-2016 Shirt.

A blue henley collar with red and white accents graces the Joma Granada 15-16 Home Kit, which sports the flag of the city of Granada, which is red and green. "Luchar por ganar" (fighting to win) is written on the sleeve cuff of the Granada 2015-2016 Home Shirt, which is combined with blue shorts and white socks.

Granada 15-16 Away and Third Kits

These are the new Granada 2015-2016 Away and Third Jerseys.

Further highlighting the strong between club and city, the new Granada 2015-16 Away Kit is white with details in green and red. A green and red hoop is planted across the chest of the Granada 15-16 Away Shirt, with the club crest placed inside of it.

White shorts and socks with green and red applications are combined with with the Granada 15-16 Away Shirt.

The Granada 15-16 Third Shirt is half black and half grey with striking yellow accents. The collar used for the Granada 2015-2016 Third Kit has a similar henley cut to that of the home shirt, while an outlined Granada CF crest in yellow is used.

Black shorts and socks with garish yellow details complement the new Granada 2015-16 Third Jersey.

Do you like the new Granada 15-16 Home, Away and Third Kits? Let us know in the comments below.