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New MLS League Logo Launched

2015 will mark the 20th season of Major League Soccer. Today, the new MLS crest was unveiled to represent the next phase of Major League Soccer's vision to be among the best leagues in the world by 2022.

The new MLS crest features a simple design removing the ball and the cleat of the old MLS crest, while the league also unveiled a MLS crest version for each club.

New MLS 2015 Crest

This is the new MLS crest, which will be used from 2015.

WORDMARK: MLS stands for Major League Soccer.

SLASH: The slash refers to soccer’s speed and energy. The slash begins outside the perimeter and drives upward at a 45-degree angle to illustrate both the nonstop nature of our game and the rising trajectory of our league. It bisects the crest to create a “first half” and “second half.

STARS: The three stars represent the pillars of our brand: For Club, For Country, For Community.

PERIMETER: The perimeter represents the lines that mark off the field of play.

FIRST HALF AND SECOND HALF: The first half contains MLS and the three stars. The second half is an open white space that brings you in and out of the MLS world.

Additionally, each club will receive an own version of the new 2014 MLS crest to reflect the club's identity.

The new MLS brand will begin to appear from late 2014.