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Adidas Torfabrik Bundesliga 14-15 Ball Released

  • Official Match Ball: The Adidas Torfabrik 14-15 is the new official match ball for the Bundesliga season.
  • Design Inspiration: The ball's panel design is based on the Adidas Brazuca 2014 World Cup Ball, but with a more angled aesthetic.
  • Color and Variant: The primary color of the main ball is white with red, while a yellow winter version will be used in limited matches, with mint green being prominent on it.

This is the new Adidas Torfabrik 14-15 Official Match Ball. The new Adidas Torfabrik 2014-15 Ball features the panel design of the Adidas Brazuca 2014 World Cup Ball, which was released in early December 2013.

The new Bundesliga 14-15 Ball was presented in June 2014, while the yellow Adidas Torfabrik 2014-2015 Winterball will be used in a few matches only.

Adidas Torfabrik 14-15 Bundesliga Ball

This is the new Adidas Bundesliga 14-15 OMB.

The Bundesliga 14-15 Ball comes with the main color white with red as second color. As the Brazuca 2014 World Cup Ball, the Adidas Bundesliga 2014-15 Official Match Ball comes with only six panels. The Adidas Brazuca Ball flies faster than previous Adidas Balls, but comes with less movements in the air more similar to a Nike Ball.

The design of the Adidas Bundesliga 14-15 Torfabrik Ball is more angled than the round Amazonas inspired Brazuca Ball. A remarking aspect of the new Bundesliga 14-15 Ball is the unusual mint color used, which is the first time in the history of Adidas Bundesliga Matchballs. In summary the Adidas Torfabrik 2014 Ball features a more striking graphic design than previous Adidas Bundesliga Footballs.

The new Adidas 2014-15 yellow Winterball will be used in only very few matches of the next season, as it's designed for winter conditions. The new 14-15 Torfabrik Ball features the main color yellow, while the mint green color is more dominant than on the normal white version.