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Borussia Dortmund 13-14 (2013-14) Home, Away and Third Kits Released

Champions Leauge finalists Borussia Dortmund today unveiled the new Dortmund 2013-14 Home Kit via a giant replica of the kit created using more than 80,000 colorful flowers in a park near the Signal Iduna Park stadium.

The club also released the new Dortmund 2013-14 Away and Third Shirts made by Puma. Evonik continues as Dortmund's sponsor for the 13-14 season.

The Dortmund 13-14 Home Kit comes in a quite classical way, while the Away features a fresh stripe on each arm going up to the collar as well as slightly lighter color than the previous black. The Dortmund 13-14 Third Kit is white as usual, but is unlikely to be used, just like in the last few seasons.

Dortmund 13-14 Home Kit

This is the new Dortmund 2013-14 Puma Home Shirt.

The new Dortmund 2013-14 Home Kit made by Puma was released today. The Dortmund 2013-2014 Home Shirt is based on the Puma King 13-14 template and is mainly yellow, with a black v-collar and 2 black lines going down under each arm.

There is also some pattern on the front of the shirt similar to the one on Manchester United's 12-13 Home Shirt.

The shorts of the Dortmund 2013-14 Home Kit are available in black and also in yellow to avoid color clashes, while the socks are black/yellow-hooped.

Dortmund 13-14 Away Kit

This is the new Dortmund 2013-14 Puma Away Shirt.

This image shows the supposed new Dortmund 13-14 Away Shirt made by Puma (thanks to passionemaglie.it for the picture). The Dortmund 2013-14 Away Kit is colored in dark grey heather, which means it's a bit lighter than the usual black. The Evonik logo is colored white. On the inside of the shirt, Dortmund placed the writing Echte Liebe. (Real love.), which is a marketing slogan used by the club.

Dortmund 13-14 Away Shirt features a yellow stripe going from the side of the collar down the sleeves, which have yellow cuffs at their ends.

The Puma logo on the new Dortmund Away Shirt is yellow and is placed higher up the shirt than the Dortmund club logo, as there is a seam on the right side of the chest.

Dortmund 13-14 Third Kit

This is the new Dortmund 2013-14 Puma Third Shirt.

The Borussia Dortmund 2013-14 Third Kit is white like in the last years, and like then, it is unlikely it will used in competitive matches. The Dortmund 13-14 Third Shirt only exists to avoid color clashes in away matches against teams that use yellow/black-striped shirts.

The Dortmund 13-14 Third Kit has grey details on the shoulder and sleeve area, as well as yellow sleeve cuffs. The Puma logo used for the new Dortmund 2013-14 Third Kit is also yellow.

Dortmund 13-14 Goalkeeper Kits

The Borussia Dortmund 2013-14 Goalkeeper Kits come in the new Puma 13-14 Keeper template in the colors black and green with black and yellow club-specific details.