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Everton 15-16 Kits Released

Everton FC and Umbro just revealed the new Everton 15-16 Third Kit with a unique drawing by Everton fan and Marvel artist Will Sliney. The classic Umbro Everton 2015-2016 Home and Away Jerseys had already been released earlier this summer as part of the #BORNefc campaign.

Umbro produces the Everton 15-16 Kits in the second year of a long-term deal, while Chang Beer remains the main sponsor for the new Everton 2015-2016 Home and Away Shirts.

Everton 15-16 Home Kit

This is the new Umbro Everton 2015-2016 Home Shirt.

The new Umbro Everton 2015-16 Home Jersey is kept simple, featuring a blue base and a unique white v-collar with a rib insert. Inspired by the classic Everton kits of the past, the new Everton 15-16 Kit is one for the traditionalists.

NSNO, short for Everton's club motto "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum", a Latin phrase that means "nothing but the best is good enough", is written on the upper back below the white collar of the new Everton 2015-16 Home Shirt. On the front of the new Everton 15-16 Kit is the Chang Beer sponsor logo.

The white shorts of the new Everton 15-16 Home Kit feature an eye-catching navy blue band around the waist. Following last season's navy socks, the new Everton 2015-16 Home Kit returns to white socks.

Everton 15-16 Away Kit

This is the new Umbro Everton 2015-2016 Away Shirt.

The new Everton 15-16 Away Kit is white with a subtle hoops design on the sleeves and sides. It was officially released on July 13.

The new Everton FC 2015-16 Away Shirt features monochromatic logos and a simplistic crew neck collar creating a clean design.

Everton 15-16 Third Kit

This is the new Umbro Everton FC 2015-16 Third Strip.

The new Everton Third Kit is dark green with striking orange accents, creating a very unique look for the Liverpool club. Largely kept simple, the Everton 15-16 Third Shirt comes with a crew-neck collar of the same color as the shirt and a black panel at the bottom.

All logos on the new Everton 2015-16 Third Jersey are colored in a striking orange, including a monochromatic version of the Everton crest and the NSNO detailing at the upper back below the collar.

Black shorts with green trim and orange logos, as well as green socks with black trim complete the bespoke look of the new Everton 15-16 Third Kit.

Everton 15-16 Goalkeeper Kit

This is the new Everton 2015-2016 Goalkeeper Home Shirt.

The new yellow Everton 2015-2016 Goalkeeper Jersey boasts a spectacular design with a unique green graphic lines pattern on the front. The Umbro logo, the Chang sponsor logo and the famous Everton crest of the new Everton 2015-16 Kit are colored navy.

Yellow shorts and socks complete the new Everton 15-16 Goalkeeper Shirt.

What do you think of the new Umbro Everton 15-16 Home, Away and Third Kits? Let us know in the comments below.