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More Players Sign With Skechers

Recently, Skechers has been signing up more players to show that they want to grow even stronger in the football footwear industry.

Skechers x Josh Wilson-Esbrand

The latest name to join Skechers is Josh Wilson-Esbrand. Josh Esbrand is a young Manchester City talent who is currently on loan at Reims.

If Harry Kane is the ambassador for the Skechers SKX 01 shoe line, then rookie Josh Esbrand is the ambassador for Skechers Razor shoes.

Josh Esbrand wore Adidas X boots while playing for Manchester City.

Skechers x Ria Bose

Skechers x Shania Hayles

Skechers x Shania Hayles

Alongside Josh Esbrand, Alvaro Morata also wore a prototype Skechers Razor, hinting at the possibility of the striker joining the Skechers in the future.

What do you think about Skechers signing more players? Comment below.